martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

Choromoro Circuit
Taking rout 9 at about 75 kilometers from San Miguel de Tucuman you arrive to the city of Trancas, village that was born around the year 1600 in a different site now known as Villa Vieja. Aproximately in 1781 Trancas became one strategic centre for the Northern defense. This way this town was the scenario of many of the most important historic events for the declaration of Independence. With the arrival of the railway the population moved 2 kilometers southwest, where the city is now located. Sites you can visit in Villa Vieja:
  • Templo del Sagrado Corazón It was built in 1760 This building played a very important role during indepence battles and civil wars. It was here where Belgrano General took up the North Army control again, taking Rondeau General`s place. The church was rebuilt in 1827 after 1826` earthquake. It witnessed the execution of Bernabé Aráoz, Tucuman´first governor, and Lola Mora, the most important tucuman sculptress, was baptized inside of it. It continues with viceregal archiotectural forms, though it has the appearance of one postcolonial building. It keeps San Joaquin`s Image carved in wood which was brought from Alto Peru.

  • Pozo del Pescado (Fish well) It is a miraculous origin fountain to the believers. It reminds Saint Francis crossing through the town. It is said that Saint Francis made water appear from it in order to fight its followers thirst. The misioneer walked all the way around the North of Argentina converting all the natives into believers with his violin. There is a Party that commemorates this the first Sunday after Eastern.

San Pedro de Colalao

In this Turistic Village you can find the best balance between nature and the man. It counts with the appropriate infrastructure and services for the visitors.

San Pedro de Colalao is one of the first Tucuman turistic centres. It is located 93 kilometers away from San Miguel de Tucuman. After taking rout 9 you have to take rout 311 to get into this beautiful small town.
By the end of the seventeenth Century Captain Pedro de Avila y Zárate and the high priest Luis Marañon founded, with forty seven indians, the "Encomienda de San Pedro de Colalao". This was the origin of this village surrounded by impressive farms. In 1858 the community donated land to the Church and with the land parcels sale, a new population nucleus started to get shaped. The town Commune was created in 1901 and in 1902 San Pedro Church was founded. It was there where the jesuits taught the locals all the farmwork and handmaking skills. Inside the church there is a 300 years old bell, which was first lost by the monks on one stormy day and alter found by them in the river-bed.
You can find archeological sites that belonged to the Ayampitin, Ampajango and Candelaria culture in all their phases. In San Pedro´s Museum you cand find rocks carved by these tribes.
The village is surrounded by two rivers: the Tipas and The Tacanas. Is is located at 1087 meters over the sea. It has a dry climate with minimum temperaturas between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius and maximum temperaturas around 38 degrees. It is an Ideal place for campings, cavalcades, trekking and tourism.
Different festivities such as the Fiesta del Quesillo and the Fiesta de la Humita in January, the Fiesta del Caballo Peruano (peruvian horse party) in March, the Nuts festival during Eastern, the Fiesta del Locro in July, and others, take place the year round.

Interest Sites:

  • San Pedro´s Church. Its construction was in charge of Medici brothers, natives of Modena, and began in 1895. Inside the church, there is a linen that represents the Immaculate Concepcion, work of the Italian Gaspar Spadafora. Between most ancient pieces (300 years) and the ones with major religious value there is the image of the Holy Patron, sculpture carved in soft (smooth) wood of popular tone. The Bell History: It is said by tradition that Jesuits brought it in the middle of the 17th century. Of golden, iron and copper alloy, after being missed many years ago, it was found in 1980 in the river-bed. The 87 kilos bell shows itself in the porch of the Church.

  • The Lourdes Grotto: This religious site is located in the bottom of the hill at the entry of this village. It isa replica of “Lourdes Grotto” in France in which walls there is an incrusted stone brought from the original Grotto. The Virgin of Lourdes is considered to be the second mistress of the village and enjoys great devotion among San Pedro´s community. In February thousands of faithful people congregate to attend the play of the Miracle of the Virgin of Lourdes, represented by professional actors and local collaborators.
  • Dr. Carlos Pellegrini Nature Reserve: It is located 5 kilometers away from the village square. In a two hours and a half tour you can appreciate more than 150 exotic species (Toucans, lions, Bengal tigers, Flemings, etc) and autochthonous (Foxes, eagles, pumas, tapirs, etc.). An echological circuit goes around 1700 meters going through Tipas y La Angostura rivers. There you appreciate Las Yungas typical flora. The site has a quincho (place where people gather in order to have lunch or dinner) for more than 120 people. Educational excursions and tourist visits are frequent. Contact Information: Las Tipas - CP:4124 - tel:(0381) - 4245375 / (0381) - 4201867
  • Piedra Pintada (Painted Rock): This rock of enormous size is one of the most valuable archaeological relics that San Pedro of Colalao preserves. After a one hour and a half trek you get access into a huge plateau surrounded by rivers and lots of vegetation in which center you can find the Painted Rock, as it popularly known.This rock has 3 mts. of length, 2,30 mts. of width and 1,60 mts. of height, and is buried approximately 2 mts below the current level of the area. It was discovered in 1877 by profesor Inocencio Liberan. Its size is impressive as well as the enigmatics figures carved in each of its sides. The meaning of those figures is not known yet but it is believed that they are related with worships to fertility and harvest. There are as many as 45 figures.
  • Tiu Cañada:7 kilometers southwest from San Pedro you can find this place that has a big rock in the middle and many rocks around it, forming a rock sun Calendar. Tiu Cañada could have been an aboriginal village and the calendar might have been used to determine when to irrigate and when to work the ground.


18 km west from San Pedro´s villa, you can find this beautiful and picturesque hamlet surrounded by mountains that turn it into a visual attraction of singular importance and interest. It is located 1700 meters over the sea and it counts with one camping with mountain water pools. From this small town you can walk or ride a horse in order to get into Colalao del Valle. It is recommended to be accompanied by a guide.


In diaguita voice it means: talented, crafty or lullaby of dove. This village is located to the side of RN 40 which crosses through its center.
It is a calm summery village covered with aged groves, which acquired diverse designs and formed beautiful galleries. These attractions as well as the irrigation chanels, the vineyards, fruit-bearing and traditional pircas, turn Colalao del Valle into a place worth knowing and enjoying.

Its nearness with other towns of Tucumán, Salta and Catamarca makes Colalao one important center of one beautiful and singular tourist circuit known as Calchaquíes Valleys.
The region is rich in archaeological deposits that indigenous civilizations that inhabited the site left. These relics remain still today and show us the living signs of their historical presence.
The villa has a singular beauty, the warmth and simplicity of the community and the tranquility and peace that surround the environment make this place the perfect summery escape. It is located 196 kilometres away from San Miguel de Tucumán. You only have to take National rout 40, which is totally paved. The Sun shines all year round and good weather is guaranteed by nature. These allows to enjoy the stay without any limitations.
You can enjoy activities such as trekking, rides in bicycles, cavalcades, walks, etc.
In January a festivity that worships Los Antigales, the village ancestors, takes place. There are craftsmen’s exhibitions, sites with regional food and drinks, and Gaucho’s parades where they show their skills. During July the Ponchi´s Festivity takes place. The Ponchi is a beverage made of milk, brandy, sugar, cinnamon and whipped eggs.

El Pichao
It Is located around 8 km away from Colalao del Valle. Here you can find the Condor Huasi Culture Ruins. This is a small village with aged customs. In February the Fiesta de los Dulces Artesanales (hand made sweets festivity) takes place. Theses Sweets are well known because of their quality.
Heading south, taking rout 311 and after taking rout 312 you arrive to RN 9. Along all this road you will be able to appreciate beautiful valleys full of nature and admirable views. You will go through little towns such as Gonzalo and Choromoro. You will also be able to get a look at local farms

Where To Sleep

San Pedro de Colalao

§ Huayco Lodging House- 9 de julio just across Leocadio Paz Square - CP:4124 – TEL: (03862) - 481040 / 481219

§ Intihuana Cabins: Las Calandrias Street without number - Bº Las Rosas - Villa Gloria - San Pedro de Colalao - CP:4187 – TEL: (0381) - 4345369 / 4230600 –

§ Santa Rita Lodgings: centre street – Villa Rita – CP:4124 – TEL: (0381) – 4390703/ 154154451 –

§ La Casona Guests House – 25 de Mayo and San Martin – TEL: (0381) – 155881303

§ El Lapacho Hotel – RP 311 – km 24 – TEL: (03862) – 481069 –

Colalao del Valle:

§ Colalao del Valle Lodging House: 9 de Julio s/nº - CP:4141 – TEL: (0381) –155909475

§ El Alamo Coplero Camping – RN 40 – KM1017 – CP:4141 – TEL: (0381) – 4221226 / 154160420 –

Where to Eat

San Pedro del Colalao:

§ El Lapacho Hotel

§ Huayco Bar and Pizzas – Las Heras 3rd block – CP:4124 – TEL: (03862) – 481040

§ La Finca – Campside Club – RP 311 – CP: 4124

§ Las Tinajas Grill – Tucumán 4th block – CP: 4124 – TEL: (03862) - 481042

martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

  • Circuito de los Choromoros: San Pedro de Colalao, Hualinchay y Trancas

It must Include:

  1. Location
  2. Directions
  3. Accomodation
  4. where to eat(gastronomy)
  5. attractions
  6. Interesting sites
  7. Historical Background
  8. Maps and images


martes, 4 de septiembre de 2007

Clue 14

The maid heard footsteps in the hall and the study door opening at just after 11 o`clock

martes, 28 de agosto de 2007

Death Penalty

Death Penalty is a topic that has a lot of controversy. Many people is against it and others ar in favour of it. The truth is that instead of loosing the time preparing campaigns against it, people should focus in finding the way to stop with murders. Death Penalty is not justice, is not revenge. It is just doing something to make people think justice exists. Government should continue establishing laws to eradicate CRIME. Killing someone, no matter what, goes against human rights. This is the reason why many organizations emerged as the opposition. Organizations such as Amnesty International continue to fight against Death Penalty.
In my personal opinion condemning criminals to death row is not a way to make them pay for what they have done. Even worse I think they do not get the chance to suffer as much as victims relatives. Also there have been cases where the accused was killed and after that they found out he had been innocent.
Nowadays not many countries retain Death Penalty and the number of them that are abolishing it is growing day by day. Hopefully someday this will not be an issue to discuss. I hope it becomes part of the History of the World.

martes, 21 de agosto de 2007

A hospital that understands women

  • referred: send or direct for treatment, information, or a decision
Main Ideas:
  • Andrea M., a nursing student was raped one afternoon in 2004 on her way to the train station.
  • The staff of the program treated her with understanding, helped her prevent pregnancy and offered her specialized psychologic care.
  • Diana Galimberti, the hospital´s deputy director started the program after she got the idea in one conference in Brazil and look into statistics.
  • She and a group of colleagues designed a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week rape-victim assistance protocol that was launched as a pilot program in November of 2002
  • A few months later, Argentina’s Ministry of Health ordered all public hospitals to attempt to implement similar protocols.
  • If victims come to the program´s office within 24 hours of having been attacked, they can get the tools to prevent sexually transmited diseases.
  • If the victim gets to the hospital within 72 hours of having been raped, she will be offered emergency contraception pills.
  • After the preventive treatment is completed, women are offered with counseling, which can last as much as six months.
  • Some women don’t want to talk about what happened because remembering everything that happened often upset them.
  • Many victims think they could have done something to stop it from happening and do not realize that they save their lives by not doing anything.
  • Only 10 percent of rapes in Argentina are reported to the police. And barely 10 percent of trials for sexual offenses end with the accused being sentenced.
  • Marcela Rodríguez, a lawyer and member of Argentina’s chamber of deputies thinks filing a report is not always a good idea because it can produce more frustration. She only recomends it when she considers it can help victims´ recovery process.
  • As Hospital Alvarez is one of the three hospitals that have this program it gets many patients form Buenos Aires province as well.
  • The program focuses on “emergency” cases, that is, cases in which the rape occurred within 72 hours of when the victim comes to the program offices
  • Hospital Alvarez is the only public hospital in Argentina that investigates violence in its patients’ lives and incorporates the data into its clinical histories.
  • Galimberti has a theory: " violence against women has to be a priority for health professionals"

Personal Reaction:

Argentina is the scenary of many rapes. However not many hospitals or clinics offer victims the right psychological counseling and help them prevent pregnancy and sexually transmited diseases.
However there are some exceptions. Hospital Alvarez, located in Flores designed a program that helps rape victims recover. The treatment consists on medication preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases as well as psychological help for as long as six months.
The hospital director copy the idea from similar brasilian programs. She also thinks violence against women has to be a priority for health professionals and it has not been like that so far.
Many of the cases donot get reported because of the low chances there are that the accused ends being sentenced.
The program focuses in cases where rape happened the 72 hours of when the victim comes to the offices. In cases where women come looking for help more than 72 hours after they got raped, they get referred to specialized centers.
My personal opinion about this topic is that other hospitals should follow the example of Hospital Alvarez and create programs to help rape victims. Though I think that what is more important is that government should do something to prevent rape cases and to make sure guilty man get sentenced into prison.

martes, 19 de junio de 2007

Erasing Tattoos, Out of Regret or for a New Canvas


Canvas: A piece of such fabric on which a painting, especially an oil painting, is executed.
Fence-sitter: One who takes a position of neutrality or indecision, as in a controversial matter.
Pristine: remaining in a pure state
Wedding Gown: wedding dress
Wobbly: unsteady
Sprawl: To spread out in a straggling or disordered fashion

Personal Reaction

Tattoos have been used for ages. In the begginings they were used to show changes in life status but actually they are used as a fashion accessory. But as they are getting more and more common, regretting become a constant.
Laser tattoo removal has emerged as a solution. The process consists on a series of laser shots to break down tattoo pigments. Each session must be one month away from each other and the whole process might take several months. One special laser is used for each colour. It is a very costly, time consuming and painful technique but many people just do it in order to clean up the skin to get a new one. Different procedures are being investigated in order to make things easier. Dermatologist say that nurses are able to do the removal but they think it is better to turn to someone specialized that has studied what to do in the case of an allergic reaction or different mishaps.

There is one new invention which development might change the future of tattooing: a type of ink encapsulated in beads that breaks up with a special laser after only one treatment. It si not on the market yet but It will change the art of tattoing. If it works people will not have to worry about regretting after getting a tatoo. The procedure will surely be more expensive but it will not be as painful and time consuming as old techniques.

martes, 12 de junio de 2007

How "THE" experience got started

Ever since I was a child I had always dreamed of going on an exchange program to another country. My sister had one when I was about three years old and she awakened a special interest in me. Once I started going to school I found out languages were made for me. I would learn all different languages if possible. So as soon as I started with my English classes I very much enjoyed them.
Once I got into high school I realized my time was coming and I knew I had to start looking for more information on exchange programs. That is how I came across the Rotary Club. I had to fill a lot of forms and to go through a selection camp. After that they told me I was going to go to New Hampshire, a really small northeastern state in the US.
I got extremely excited and I started preparing everything. I bought winter clothes, bags and all the stuff I needed.
Then finally that day came. It was the 21 August of 2002, I arrived at the airport and surprinsingly most of my closest friend were there to say goodbye to me. That moment really meant something to me. Even though I cried a bit as soon as I got into the plane my emotions were different. I was no longer sad I was just anxious. I just wanted to get to destination and start the experience.
After fourteen hours I got to Boston where my First Host Family was waiting for me. As soon as I saw them I could see how nice they were. We started talking and had no difficulties in communicating during the two-hour car ride to Hancock, the little 9000-resident town where I would stay. They showed me everything they could and introduced me to quiet a lot of people.
As soon as we got into their house It felt warm and comfortable. I met their son and their daughter and we inmediately created a bond.
Once weekend came we took a short ride to Steve´s house. Steve Goldstein was the district counselor and he was in charge of all the exchange students in the area. He organized a barbecue so that we could meet to each other -the exchange students-. It was amazing to get the opportunity to have a conversation with people from all over the world. Then I realized I had taken a great decision.
About one hour after I got to Steve´s house Dieter, the guy from Germany, arrived. We started chatting and instantly clicked. Then the same happened with Conrado, the spanish boy and with Ali, the indian Guy. Out of the 27 exchange students we were, I knew they were going to become my best friends. And with the girls something similar happened with Dominique from Switzerland, Adelina from La Plata, Natalia from Chile and Gloriana from Costa Rica.
This a small summary about how things got started once my childhood dream became real and how my first days were once I got in the States.